. . . Up to this point,
we’ve been considering our ability
to hear in noise as if we have only
one ear working on this task. However,
in most listening conditions, we listen
with both ears, binaurally, and our
two ears work well together to improve
our ability to hear, particularly in
noise. Our brain automatically combines
and compares the input from both ears
which allows us to locate where sounds
originate in our environment (“Is
the car coming from the left or the
right?”) and to help us hear better
in noise. One of the ways in which two
ears work better than one alone is in
the simple detection of sounds. When
both ears are presented a sound, as
in the real world environment where
both ears are listening, our hearing
acuity is better; lower sound levels
are needed for a listener to just detect
the presence of a sound than when only
one ear is presented the sound. It’s
rare that we actually listen with only
one ear. It typically occurs when we’re
listening through some sort of listening
device, such as during a hearing test
where sounds may be presented to the
right or left side of headphones alone,
or when talking on the telephone and
listening with only one ear.
both ears are presented with the same
sound, detection of the sound is not
only better, but sounds are also heard
as louder. This phenomenon, termed binaural
summation, in which sounds are louder
when heard with both ears, is another
instance where the decibel level of
a sound and its loudness are different.
As a demonstration that you can try
for yourself, you can set the music
from an MP3 player or another sound
system to a fixed volume level and listen
to it with just one earpiece. This can
be one side of a headphone or one earbud.
When you add the second earpiece, so
that you’re listening binaurally,
the music will sound louder, even though
you haven’t adjusted the volume
control. (It’s best to do this
in a quiet room, so the background noise
isn’t influencing your perception
of the loudness of the music. It’s
also a fairer demonstration if you can
use monaural headphones.)
comparing the information heard with
two ears, the brain can determined where
a sound is coming from. We can localize
sound because sounds coming from different
directions reach the two ears at slightly
different times and at slightly different
intensities (an exception can occur
when sounds come from exactly in front
or behind). The auditory system (your
ears and brain) is sensitive to very
small differences in the timing and
intensity of sounds reaching your ears
and can use these differences between
ears, interaural (between the ears)
time and intensity cues, to locate sounds
in the horizontal plane. In the situation
depicted in Figure 5-6, we can see how
the talker’s voice will reach
the listener’s left ear first
because that ear is nearer to the talker.